Proud to be out of the box!

Mar 17, 2023

I am proudly an out of the box thinker.



I don't know about you but my life is constantly in a DANCE with toxicity & benefit in my life...

What I know know know to be true is that until we INTENTIONALLY CHOOSE TO FOCUS on the things we can control, we will continue to see, gear, & feel fear in a toxic way, but WHEN you shift that negative mindset to seeing fear as your best friend & BENEFIT that can transform your busy mind, unloved body, & low energy level IF YOU DESIRE IT...fear can be used FOR GOOD MOVEMENT IN YOUR LIFE.

I am Your Connection Strategist.

How can I connect you? this is my obsession.



5 good human characteristics my best friends are:

  1. honest
  2. accountable
  3. direct
  4. fun
  5. authentic



Decide who & how you let your "best friend/fear" speak into your life. you hold the microphone to your life's experiences. You are the curator & creator of your future!



Let's stay ourselves, our people, at the right places in our life, & to keep innovating our vision of being better leaders every single day by showing up authentically. Join the virtual community On Purpose. With Purpose. & experience a FREE 4 hour CELEBRATION of how you can bring fear into your journey in amazing ways that can positively impact you now & beyond! Friday, April 14, 2023 10am-2pm CST, RSVP to our live 4th business birthday celebration event  #BuildCourage #ThoughtLeadership #outofthebox 

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