Confidence in Action: Align Your Identity & Leadership

aligned leadership authentic leadership business confidence confidence in action confidence in leadership consistent leadership empowerment for women faith-filled leadership growth mindset leadership identity and leadership leadership development leadership for moms leadership habits personal development personal growth strategies podcast for women leaders purpose-driven leadership success mindset for women women entrepreneurs women in business Sep 24, 2024

In today’s fast-paced world, being a leader isn’t just about making decisions or guiding others; it’s about living in full alignment with who you are & what you do. This week on the Choose On Purpose podcast, we dive deep into the concept of Confidence in Action—the art of connecting your identity with your actions to create powerful, consistent leadership.


So often, we look for confidence outside of ourselves, thinking that achieving a goal or receiving external validation will make us feel secure. But real, lasting confidence comes from within. It comes from knowing who you are & ensuring your daily actions reflect that truth. When your actions & identity align, your leadership becomes natural, authentic, & magnetic.


In this episode, I explore how to:

- Define who you truly are & what you stand for

- Align your daily actions with your core values & vision

- Build momentum through small, purposeful actions every day

- Embrace imperfection & still lead with confidence

- Create habits that foster long-term confidence in both your personal & professional life


If you’ve been feeling out of sync or doubting your abilities, this episode is exactly what you need to get back on track & start showing up as the leader you know you’re meant to be.



Take a listen to this empowering episode & start aligning your identity with your actions today. Whether you’re a business owner, a team leader (YES, MAMA YOU ARE A LEADER), or simply someone who wants to live with more purpose, this episode will help you step into your most confident self.


“Confidence in action isn’t something you wait for—it’s something you create every day through aligned, intentional actions.” -Becky Plautz, Your Connection Strategist


Tune in now on all major podcast platforms, & remember to subscribe so you catch every episode!

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