Find Your B.L.I.S.S

Apr 02, 2023

We as a society wear our ‘BUSY’ badge as an honor...

I AM a mom of 3 littles, wife, strategist, coach, mentor, consultant, CEO, managing director, event planner, photographer, Vlog guest host, maid, chauffeur, personal chef etc.

Busy is a shield. Busy is an armor. And as long as you keep yourself clothed in it, you'll never be vulnerable & work on the personal things that really matter.

We need to reprioritize life & make ourselves the priority more often, so we can stay inspired & obsessed with our purpose & passions.


We all need to refocus on ourselves. On who we are.

On our relationships. On our career. On the online community based marketing space. The TOP priorities in our lives.

2023 has been a year that CONTINUES to push me to reconnect, adjust to a new normal & follow my business heart to what aligns with my values & goals.

I AM OBSESSED with human connection, having a better life experience every day & creating education through life experiences in traveling.

I am honoring the season of life that I am in. which is one of building myself, my family, my managing contributors, my relationships & my businesses to connect with our visions of how we are impacting our world while having better opportunities every day.

It’s saying “no” a lot more often than I say “yes”. It’s making myself, my connections & my businesses the top nonnegotiable priority.

The result already this year?! I’ve never felt more aligned & on such a high vibration with where my life experience is.

Sometimes LESS truly does lead to MORE!

Bring on next quarter of 2023! 

Are you ready to put YOURSELF at the top of your priority list? Join me May 19-21 in Waupaca, WI for the BLISS Retreat! Sign up HERE NOW: 

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